In the summer of 2024, we assisted SRF in collecting money for the benefit of children in Ukraine. They had a fantastic experience in Sweden and we are grateful to continue this collaboration with SRF internationally as well.
New Hope The Travel Industry Fund for Children is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization based in Stockholm, Sweden, founded in 1989. Our mission is to ensure that all children have access to education and good health. We focus on supporting small-scale, local projects where we can closely monitor progress and outcomes through direct contacts. Everyone involved at New Hope works on a voluntary basis, and less than 4% of our collected funds go toward administrative costs. We hold a 90-account, meaning our finances are closely monitored by the Swedish Fundraising Control to ensure transparency and responsible use of donations. Please send us an e-mail to let us know that you and your company donate or for more information contact Donate to our approved account for fundraising, swedish accountNo: 901-1883 Approved by the Swedish Fundraising Control