New Hope barnfond
ByJim Hofverberg

Köp årets julklapp: skola istället för barnarbete

Årets julklapp gör nytta där den behövs. Tillsammans med reseindustrins barnfond New Hope kan du ge utsatta barn i några av världens mest utsatta områden möjlighet att gå skola istället för att arbeta.

Ute i sista minuten? Det gör inget: köp digitalt, få gåvobeviset digitalt.

Köp årets julklapp här


I New Hopes julklappen finns hopp om en bättre framtid!

I paketet ryms:

  • Utbildning och kunskapshöjande aktiviteter.
  • Bidrag till kompetenta lärare och goda utbildningsmiljöer.
  • Möjlighet för ungdomar utan ekonomiska medel att studera på högre utbildningar och läroverk.
  • Tillgång till näringsriktig skolmat.
  • Skolhälsovård och vaccinationsprogram för skolelever.

Genom julklappen från New Hope bidrar du till att ge barn en bättre framtid. Dessutom bidrar du till fyra av FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål:

  • Ingen fattigdom
  • God utbildning för alla
  • Ingen hunger
  • God hälsa och välbefinnande

Du väljer själv vilken summa du vill fylla ditt paket med. New Hope ser till att det (utan mellanhänder) når fram till barn i Kenya, Etiopien, Ukraina, Indien och Nepal.

ByJim Hofverberg

Ökad insamling och lägre administrationskostnad 2022

New Hopes årsredovisning för 2022 är klar.

Våra insamlade medel har ökat och hjälpen når fram och gör stor nytta!

Stort tack till alla engagerade och givmilda företag och privatpersoner som under 2022 gjorde det möjligt för New Hope att via sina gåvomottagare säkra skolgång och förebyggande sjuk- och hälsovård för barn i några av världens allra eländigaste områden.

År 2022 har New Hope samlat in 1 378 488 kronor.

Det är betydligt bättre än föregående år, den främsta anledningen till detta är ökad upplaga av julkalendern. Den inbringade 486 510 Kr.

De administrativa kostnaderna var 49 872 kronor, vilket utgör 3,6 % av insamlade medel.

(År 2021 fick vi totalt 1 262 011 Kr varav administrativa kostnader stod för 61 375 Kr vilket utgjorde 4,9 % i administrativa kostnader).

Under 2022 har vi ökat vår närvaro på sociala medier vilket har gett en viss del insamlande medel, men generellt på en relativt låg nivå.

Presentationer för intresserade företag och föreningar har varit begränsad. Många aktiviteter som New Hope normalt deltagit i har varit
inställda, förutom resebranschens mässa ”Travel News Market”.

Under året genomfördes vissa insamlingsaktiviteter i samband med golftävlingar inom resebranschen, där deltagarna uppmanades att swisha en summa för varje ”Hole in One” och Birdie. Vi har även deltagit i PATA:s s.k. Walkabout.

Vi finns numera med som valbara gåvomottagare hos Pennybridge (f.d.Min Gåva) samt Adstate (begravningsbyråernas hemsidor).

Under 2022 har Stiftelsen New Hope blivit godkända som gåvomottagare hos Skatteverket, vilket medger skattereduktion med 25% för gåvogivare för belopp mellan 2 000 – 12 000 kr.

Styrelsen hade sammanlagt nio (9) protokollförda möten under 2022, varav ett var årsmötet inklusive ett konstituerande möte.

Under året har vi endast gjort ett projektbesök.


ByJim Hofverberg

Julkalender 2022: Alla vinstnummer

Grattis alla vinnare i årets julkalenderlotteri!

Tack för att du köpt årets julkalenderlott och tack alla generösa sponsorer som gjort lotteriet möjligt!

Intäkterna från försäljningen går till skola och förebyggande vård och omsorg för barn och unga i några av världens allra fattigaste länder.

Här på vår sajt kan du ta del av vad insamlade medel används till.


Hela vinnarlistan

Här är vinstnumren för alla dagar.

På baksidan av din kalenderlott finner du vinstplan och information om hur du som vunnit ska göra för att få din vinst.

VIKTIGT: Den 31 januari 2023 förfaller icke uthämtade vinster.

1 dec

Presentkort Countryside Hotels + Presentkort SAS: 4439

Biljetter Strömma: 3735

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3445


2 dec

Presentkort HKC Hotels + Presentkort Best Western: 1529

Biljetter Strömma: 4077

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3089


3 dec

Presentkort Nordic Choice Hotels + Presentkort Viking Åbo: 4542

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2635

Presentkort Strömma: 4009


4 dec

Presentkort Turkish Airlines + Presentkort Best Western: 4922

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2429

Biljetter Strömma: 4253


5 dec

Presentkort Best Western Hotels + Presentkort Viking Lines till Mariehamn: 4316

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2827

Biljetter Strömma: 3069


6 dec

Presentkort WebBeds + Presentkort Eckerölinjen: 2400

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2187

Biljetter Strömma: 3542


7 dec

Presentkort Villa Dagmar: 2214

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 0982

Biljetter Strömma: 3416


8 dec

Presentkort Countryside Hotels + Presentkort Elite: 3478

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 0927

Biljetter Strömma: 1681


9 dec

Presentkort Nordic Choice Hotels + Radisson: 0488

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 4284

Biljetter Strömma: 1011


10 dec

Presentkort Sembo/Stenaline: 2766

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 5000

Biljetter Strömma: 4610


11 dec

Presentkort WebBeds + KLM: 4813

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2101

Biljetter Strömma: 1816


12 dec

Presentkort Hotell Kungsträdgården: 0778

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 1908

Presentkort Strömma: 0532


13 dec

Presentkort MTR Express + Presentkort Countryside Hotels: 3593

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 1757

Biljetter Strömma: 4876


14 dec

Presentkort SJ + Presentkort Thon hotels: 4585

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3388

Biljetter Strömma: 3500


15 dec

Presentkort Best Western Hotels + Presentkort Ving: 0179

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3383

Biljetter Strömma: 4085


16 dec

Presentkort Nordic Choice Hotels + Presentkort Swanson: 4744

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 4826

Biljetter Strömma: 1698


17 dec

Presentkort Hilton Slussen + Presentkort Hertz: 4718

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 0030

Biljetter Strömma: 1963


18 dec

Presentkort Nordic Choice Hotels + Presentkort Flygbolaget BRA: 0006

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 0690

Biljetter Strömma: 1029


19 dec

Presentkort Best Western Hotels + Presentkort Viking Line: 1120

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 1097

Biljetter Strömma: 2355


20 dec

Presentkort Elite Hotels + Presentkort Temaresor: 2992

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3403

Biljetter Strömma: 4191


21 dec

Presentkort Countryside Hotels + Presentkort Dalslands Kanaltrafik: 4493

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 0789

Biljetter Strömma: 4743


22 dec

Presentkort Viking Line + Nordic Choice: 0114

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 3445

Biljetter Strömma: 3346


23 dec

Presentkort Best Western Hotels + Presentkort Jambo Tours: 4580

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 4481

Biljetter Strömma: 2064


24 dec

Presentkort Park Inn by Radisson + Presentkort Emirates: 3246

Presentkort Verde Verde Travel: 2302

Biljetter Strömma: 1939


Stort tack till alla vinstsponsorer som gjort årets julkalenderlotteri möjligt!


villa dagmar Eckerölinjen Nordic Choice Hotels Best Western Hotels & Resorts Countryside Hotels SAS Strömma VerdeVerde Travel KLM WebBeds Hotel Kungsträdgården MTRX SJ Swanson´s  Hilton Hotel Slussen BRA_Braathens_Regional_Airlines Emirates Airline

ByJim Hofverberg

Lång lägesrapport från Kiotaniskolan

Kiotani-skolan har skickat oss en längre terminsrapport, som vi publicerar för alla att ta del av. Vi är så glada för framstegen som görs tack vare generösa givare via New Hope!

We will focus our report on the following areas:


❖ Most of our children are trying their best to monitor their hygiene with the help of the mentor, Mary Bernadette who also doubles up as a Nurse. Madam Mary always tell them that “cleanliness in next to Divinity that is Godliness.” So if they want to be near God they must be clean and healthy. Fresh mind will always think well. Therefore, they must be smart all the time.

❖ The matron always ensures they take a bath in the evening and not very early in the morning. The cold season has been prolonged this time round in Kenya which has affected nearly the whole currently.

❖ There is a lot of improvements in the girl’s dormitory as well as in the boys’ in regards to cleanliness, how they prepare their beds, keep their belongings etc. but there is still room for improvement.



❖ During the month of September we have had overall goodhealth for most of our pupils. In July and August, we had a number of children with URTI Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, this was due to the harsh cold weather according to the nurse madam Mary Bernadette.

❖ She (Mary) was able to manage most of the conditions with medicine she had in the school. The few that were serious were taken to the nearby local dispensary and they were treated.

❖ She also encouraged them to drink plenty of water especially warm water to ease the sore throats due to dry coughing. Peter the cook came in handy for this. The warm water was strategically placed for ease of access.



❖ The level of discipline among the pupils is generally good despite a few elements who by the nature of their background and up bringing at times misbehave but they are being guided well.

Academics and end of the term assessment 

The term ended well with children keeping on well in school and a good improvement has been noted by the teachers and parents in regards to academics. We may not be above 80% but a good number of children understand that they are in school to improve and not to waste time. We thank PLK management for making sure books and other requirements are available in school.

ICT classes on display on how to use devices required by the CBC

The classes started on a high note from the ICT expert who came to demonstrate to the grade 5 pupils on how to use devices as required in the ICT classes. Mr. Kennedy Muthusi has been a very good friend of the school and does a lot with for our school. He has been helping parents and pupils in acquiring birth certificates and any necessary documents that are needed in school. He uses the projector to show the pupils how to work on practical requirements.

Life skill session with class 8.

We had a good session with class 8 candidates on the issues of discipline and lifestyle at home and in school. The discussion was based on the issues related to use of vulgar language. They were informed that vulgar or abusive language is totally unacceptable in any society. It makes people feel unwanted not appreciated in the school or anywhere else.


Madam Mary Bernadette during a counseling and guidance session 

Counseling and guidance enables our pupils understand and exploit their potential and ability to grow. Madam Mary is doing an excellent job together with the other staff. In the photo above Joseph is not able to read and write well and therefore. Mary has been able to journey with him so as to understand if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed. Later on, she will refer him to a teacher who be able to help Joseph to perform well.


Sunday Services 

Due to a persistence request for the Eucharistic celebration in our school, the parish priest Fr. Alex of Mountain view Parish accepted to be conducting the mass at Kiotani school once a month i.e. on Sunday in the afternoon. The priests have a busy schedule in the new parish that is the only day they can set for us as a school. They will also be having Eucharistic celebration every first Friday of the month in Kiotani St. Mary’s church next to the school. As a school we are part of that mass and we will be fully involved with the pupils singing and preparing for it with the leadership and supervision of Tr. Eunice and Mary Bernadette.

We as a school felt privileged to have such an opportunity to participate in a local church nearby. We also requested and planning and if possible whether the catechist can be involved with our pupils here in the school to teach catechism classes on weekends and encourage them in their spiritual needs. This will nurture the spiritual growth.


Kiotani Farm/Shamba:

Vegetables farm

The demand for food is very high especially in an institution like ours that has both facilities i.e. boarding school section and day school and also in families. As a school we grow our own vegetables such as “Sukuma wiki, (Kales) Spinach, Onions, local vegetables such as “Managu” black nightshade, as well as cabbages. They are doing well as can be seen on the photos below.

Green vegetables are used in our meals and these gives us a balanced diet on a daily basis.

Rabbit Farm

We also have a section for rabbits in the farm. The pupils who are doing agriculture especially the CBC classes do a lot of practical subject with animals. So it is in our advantage as a school to have to this project. We continue to thank PLK for giving us the chance to do so. At the moment we have 22 rabbits in our school farm. Those shown on the photo below are three months old rabbits. Pupils love them and feed them every day in the morning and afternoon.

We are trying to educate our pupils to change their attitude that everything they have is provided to them for free, yet not ready to take or acknowledge where the food comes from.  As a school we are empowering the children more on the practical part of farming both vegetables, fruits and animals farming.

Pig farming

The piglet being given milk are orphans. The mother died immediately after giving birth due to internal bleeding complications. Some piglets also died. We now have 12 live piglets. Our pupils in the agriculture club have taken charge of feeding them four times a day. They are doing very well as of now. They are one week old and can be seen running all over the pigsty.

Sheep and goats farm

The school has 64 goats & sheep (18 sheep and 46 goats). The animals are used for various purposes. They help us in learning and supplementing our protein diets.

Tomatoes in the Greenhouse at the farm

Tomatoes are doing so well in our greenhouse. We use the tomatoes within our school and also sale during school holidays to locals around our school. This helps in boosting us financially.

Napier grass

We are also growing Napier grass for our animals. We are taking advantage of our space by using the land well.

Positive attitude towards farming: In either case, by virtue of ownership, we are directly responsible to produce our own food. No one wishes to misuse food; we must do our best way to produce our own vegetables, beans, bananas, fruits etc. We will do our best in Kiotani School of which we are part and parcel of.


Summary of key achievements for the Month of September and term II

✓ Good health for everyone in the school.

✓ We had our generator restored back and enough water now for the farm and trees

✓ All staff being in school and taking their responsibilities seriously

✓ So many CBC assessments being done and completed on time as required and sent back to KNEC

✓ Prompt response to our requests and needs from PLK officee.g. exams bookings, Exams printing, assessment bookletsfor grade 6, pens and chalks etc.

✓ Having all grade 6 choosing junior secondary and applying for the schools successfully.

✓ Enough food in the school store and in the farm for all the Kiotani school family.

✓ Frequent Visitors (Volunteers) that come to PLK and our colleagues from PLK office.

✓ Fixing of Classes lights that broke down.

✓ Plenty of Sukuma wiki (Kales) coming up in the vegetable farm.

✓ Payment of salaries & wages on a timely basis and that puts a big smile in the faces of many teachers and support staff.

✓ Regular meetings in the office and following up with Fridays meeting at the PLK office on Fridays.

✓ Receiving of food stuffs from a good well-wisher; 5 bags of rice and 20 litters of cooking oil.

✓ Having mass brought close to the school and participating well.

✓ Pupil’s sponsor letters were handed over on time to PLK on time together with their photos. Grade 6 report form will be rewritten because of mixture of the report form structure.

✓ Grade 6 and class 8 remaining in school to facilitate the learning and teaching. Tr. Joel, Tr. Eunice, Tr. Simon, Tr. Winnie, Tr. Joseph and Tr. Francis will be around to help them as they prepare for their national exams in November.



▪ There are still hiccups on the school calendar that were occasioned by the just concluded national elections.

▪ Time factors with the KNEC and date of grade 3,4,5,6 assessment exams and exam project uploads to the portal was very limited.

▪ Some practical projects which are examinable like swimming could not happen because of availability of a swimming pool next to us. We have had to push it to next term for practical. Parents/PLK to cater for that 300/= required for the swimming lessons at “Kwa Masika” where there is a facility.

▪ Some practical rubrics score sheets were missing from the KNEC portal. This made it difficult for learners and teachers to understand some criterial required to be tested. We had to consult widely from other public schools around.

▪ Some parents were not collaborating with the school in terms of provision of practical requirements like eggs, aprons, and money to facilitate the assessments required in the new curriculum.

▪ The pupil’s toilets are almost full and will need exhauster services.

▪ The weather has been very cold from July to date and hence affecting many pupils.

▪ Death of the Big Pig and the piglets

▪ Withering & drying up of some trees due to lack of rain and the breakdown of the generator and the solar panels not working well due to the cold weather.


Generally, it was a term full of energy despite the challenges it carried with it as discussed above. Most of the planned programs succeeded well especially the CBC practical’s and exams. We are looking forward for the beginning and ending of term III and looking forward for it to be of great success. We are also appealing for more cooperation with all our stakeholders in the school events, as all dates are scheduled to the end of the year.

Let us continue working hand in hand in handling and minimizing the challenges to ensure that the learners get what they deserve from us all!

Thank you so much for your essential support!

ByJim Hofverberg

Sjuksköterska gör sig redo

NEPAL: Nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan Sonam Dolma, med doktor Suman Thapa från Ek Ek Paila Community Clinic i Kathmandu, där hon från och med nästa vecka ska arbeta 10 dagar innan hon reser till det nyöppnade sjukhuset i Thokarpa, med 15 bäddar och mödravård.

Hon ska tillsammans med mer erfarna kollegor arbeta med den allra fattigaste befolkningen.

I september är det sedan dags för arbete i den avlägsna byn Humla, Nepals fattigaste område på gränsen mot Tibet.

Läs mer:

Om vårt stöd till gatubarn i Nepal

Om vårt stöd till sjuksköterskor för gatubarn i Nepal

Om bakgrund till vårt stöd till sjuksköterskor i Nepal